The Many Faces of Abuse

Published on 25 November 2024 at 10:19

Abuse comes in many forms, each one as painful as the next. There is emotional abuse which includes things like controlling you and not allowing you to be your own person. It can be when a person isolates you from your peers and/or your family. Fear mongering is also a form of emotional abuse. Say you are riding down the road and you make the driver angry, and the driver begins speeding the car up and you get scared and yet they continue to speed up... that is emotional abuse. All of which are completely unacceptable. Then there is mental abuse which presents itself in verbal abuse, manipulation and intimidation. The abuser will do all they can to tear you down with words and make you feel worthless and like you can't do anything right no matter how hard you try. These two are the worst forms of abuse in my opinion, because the leave so many scars that others cannot see making it harder to detect by your friends and family members and hard to prove if you ever need to go to court. Then there is the most talked about form of abuse... Physical. This one is pretty self-explanatory. The abuser physically hurts you by hitting you, throwing things at you, tackling you, grabbing you etc. This does leave visible bruises and signs for others to notice however in most cases this is coupled with emotional abuse to isolate you from anyone that could notice and help you out of the situation. The next form of abuse is neglect in which you are not allowed simple necessities like shelter, clothing, heat, mental stimulation, medical help when needed etc. There is also something known as financial abuse in which they may prevent a person from accessing their own money and assets. Modern slavery is another abuse method. This includes human trafficking, forced labor, sexual exploitation (forcing someone into prostitution and/or porn. And following that I will end with sexual abuse which is of course a wide array of situations ranging from a pedophile taking advantage of a child that cannot defend themselves and are not old enough to consent, to a person at college using a roofie to get a young girl passed out long enough to take advantage of her on up to married couples that one or both parties are unhappy in the relationship and haven't had sexual relations in a while due to it and one party forcefully takes the other against their will. Please be aware of your surroundings. Please understand that there are many forms of abuse, all of which are unacceptable and if you or someone you know are experiencing any of these please reach out for help. Please get out of the situation as soon as you safely can. Recognizing signs of abuse early will help. Don't ignore the red flags or make excuses for the abuser. No, they most likely will not change. Yes, they are aware they are doing it they just don't care. And if you have kids, please understand that you don't want your children growing up thinking this is the treatment they should accept or the treatment they should give another and expect them to accept. You are strong enough to leave and you will be okay. It is never too late to get out of a bad situation. For more information on the many forms of abuse visit:

If you or someone you know are suffering from abuse, please know there is help:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

Emotional Abuse Support: Text CONNECT to 741741

There is an entire website dedicated to providing every help hotline there is. It includes all the national hotlines that can connect you to support for whatever you may be going through. There is even a section dedicated to children, youth and teenagers. 

Please know that you deserve better. Please know you are not alone. And please know that you are loved and there is help out there! -Feisty Mommy


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